Bård Støfringsdal


Bård Støfringsdal has a broad academic background within sound propagation, simulation and reproduction of three-dimensional sound fields, microphones and recording techniques, hearing and psychoacoustics.


Støfringsdal has designed the acoustics of many different types of cultural venues, including concert halls, multipurpose halls, recording studios, practice rooms and cinemas. For some of these venues Støfringsdal has integrated the planning of acoustics with and stage-related installations (audio, video and theatre technical installations) for cultural venues

Støfringsdal has furthermore designed and commissioned complex AV installations, including audio and video installations for concert venues, video conferencing, streaming and distribution systems.

Støfringsdal was invited to be a member of the author group for the new Norwegian Standard Acoustic criteria for room and spaces for music rehearsal and performance (NS8178:2014).

Norwegian Standard NS8178:2014 – Acoustic criteria for room and spaces for music rehearsal and performance

I 2014 the world's first national standard on acoustics for music spaces was published. This work was initiated to address the well-known problems related to unsuited rehearsal rooms and multi-purpose halls not having adequate variability for different musical genres. The presentation will give a brief overview of the standard, and on how to implement the standard in building projects, seen from the role as a user. Special attention will be given to venues for amplified music and the interaction between the room and the sound reinforcement system.

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