
31st of May - 3rd of June
About half of the lectures at Nordic Sound Symposium 2018 will be about Broadcast and recording production. The other half will be about live production.
Specified program
Thursday | Time | Session | Room | Subject | Speaker | Affiliation |
17:30 | 00:30 | Opening Speech | Eddy B. Brixen (Tor Vidar) | EBB-consult | ||
18:00 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
19:00 | 02:00 | Dinner | ||||
21:00 | Personal time / no program / Open bar | |||||
MUO | Lokalkontor | Møt Musikkutstyrsordningen på Nordic Sound Symposium. Book tid med MUO for å gjennomgå dine tanker om en eventuell søknad. Du kan også be om råd og veileding i forbindelse med søknader du er i ferd med å skrive. |
MUO | |||
Friday | Time | Session | Room | Subject | Speaker | Affiliation |
08:30 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Digital wireless systems: new issues and opportunities | Jonas Naesby | Sennheiser | |
09:15 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | NKOM frequency control, opportunities and consequences for the music concert event circuit | Per Erik Heimdal | NKOM | |
10:00 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
10:10 | 00:45 | Møterom | Music production, ideas and approach | Morten Lindberg | 2L | |
11:00 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Why can’t we just use the PA and turn the reverb knob to “wet” ? Or: Using virtual performance spaces with electroacoustic systems |
Magne Skålevik | Brekke & Strand Akustikk | |
11:45 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Musikkutstyrsordningen (MUO) – den nasjonale tilskuddsordningen for teknisk utstyr, akustikk og lokaler |
MUO | ||
12:30 | 00:45 | Lunch | ||||
13:15 | 01:00 | Hovedsal | The Genesis of Virtual Sound Check | Robert Scovill | 35-year veteran | |
14:15 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
15:15 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | “Devil in the Details” Manually Delay-Compensating Digital Consoles, why? | Robert Scovill | 35-year veteran | |
16:00 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | LUFS IS IN THE AIR - Strategies for mixing in the Loudness world | Florian Camerer | ORF - Austrian TV | |
16:45 | 00:45 | Exhibition | ||||
17:30 | 00:45 | Personal time / no program | ||||
18:15 | 02:00 | Dinner | ||||
20:15 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Large scale live sound. The Tom Petty Tours! | Robert Scovill | 35-year veteran | |
21:00 | Personal time / no program / Open bar | |||||
MUO | Lokalkontor | Møt Musikkutstyrsordningen på Nordic Sound Symposium. Book tid med MUO for å gjennomgå dine tanker om en eventuell søknad. Du kan også be om råd og veileding i forbindelse med søknader du er i ferd med å skrive. |
MUO | |||
Saturday | Time | Session | Room | Subject | Speaker | Affiliation |
08:30 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | The Future of Audio is Object-based - Results of ORPHEUS | Andreas Silzle | Fraunhofer IIS | |
09:15 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Speech intelligibility in broadcast | Eddy B. Brixen | EBB-consult | |
10:00 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
11:00 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Broadcast remote production | Jim Green | Calrec | |
11:45 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | New tools for making radio | Johan Boqvist / Jim Eld | Swedish Radio | |
12:30 | Lunch | |||||
13:15 | 01:00 | Hovedsal | "Where Did 0 db Go?" Gain Structure in Digital Audio: simultaneously optimizing gain structure for 3 different purposes; the event, for multi-track recording and virtual sound check |
Robert Scovill | 35-year veteran | |
14:15 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
14:20 | 00:45 | Møterom | Genelec SAM™ Systems | |||
15:15 | 01:30 | Hovedsal | Master Class, mixing music (w/5-10 min break) | Robert Scovill | Legend | |
16:45 | 01:00 | Exhibition | ||||
16:55 | 00:45 | Møterom | Music production, ideas and approach | Morten Lindberg | 2L | |
17:45 | 01:00 | Hovedsal | Master Class, mixing music | Robert Scovill | Legend | |
18:45 | 01:00 | Personal time / no program | ||||
19:45 | 02:30 | Dinner - With speeches and awards | Awards: Lydmannen | Evening Dinner Speech: The farewell to good acoustics, or? |
Eddy B. Brixen | EBB-consult | ||
22:00 | Into the night / open bar | |||||
MUO | Lokalkontor | Møt Musikkutstyrsordningen på Nordic Sound Symposium. Book tid med MUO for å gjennomgå dine tanker om en eventuell søknad. Du kan også be om råd og veileding i forbindelse med søknader du er i ferd med å skrive. |
MUO | |||
Sunday | Time | Session | Room | Subject | Speaker | Affiliation |
08:30 | 00:30 | Asynchronicities in model trains in the exhibition hall, be there or be squared. (No.: Toget går baklengs) |
09:00 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Using AVoIP in the Real World | Stephen Patterson | Biamp | |
09:45 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Immersive Audio - heightened expectations in 3D wonderland and practical relevance | Florian Camerer | ORF - Austrian TV | |
10:30 | 00:45 | Exhibition & Check Out | ||||
11:15 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | File-based processing of audio for production and transmission | Markus Hinz | Telos Alliance/Linear Acoustic | |
12:00 | 00:45 | Hovedsal | Interoperability Vs redundancy. Which are the real possibilities when combining different AoIP solutions? |
Luca Giaroli | DirectOut GmbH | |
12:45 | Lunch | |||||
13:30 | Departure |
(changes may occur without notice)