New tools for making radio, or Journalism 3.0

New tools for making radio, or Journalism 3.0
Johan Boqvist and Jim Eld from Swedish Radio
Now we can do more than listen to radio on smartphones, we also can use them to produce radio. This is possible thanks to the Next Generation project from Swedish Radio.
The smartphone of today is an important working tool for our journalists. For the past couple of years our reporters have been able to contribute to all kinds of programs using apps like Report IT Live and Luci Live. Swedish Radio has taken the next step and run a whole show from a portable device like a tablet or a smartphone.
The presentation will give in-depth information and demonstration of the tools developed within the framework of the Next Generation project, such as the OB-väskan (OB-bag) and touch screen based control surface for self-op users.
Links to relevant web pages:
Journalism 3.0: